- Sankalpa
- Aachamanam mantras
- Asthapana
- Recitation of mantras from Yajurveda
- Recitation of 1441 Mantras of Vedic Essence, over period of 2-3 Hours
- Havana for peace and harmony
- Aarti session of Lord Shiva and Agnee Devta
Puja Saamagri Included
Turmeric powder, vermilion (kumkum), sandalwood paste, 40 rupees in coins, 2 sets of 5 different fruits, 6 lemons, a bowl of jaggery and coconut, 2 large betel leaves, 2 blouse pieces, 1 meter of red cloth, 50 grams of black sesame seeds, 50 grams of yellow turmeric powder, 50 grams of incense, 50 grams of camphor, rangoli colors, cow urine, Panchamrit (a mixture of milk, curd, ghee, honey, and sugar), sacred thread, a pair of betel nuts, 3 incense sticks, and 2 pieces of cotton fabric.
Udaka Shanti is performed by invoking gods in the kalash and Udaka Shaanti mantras are chanted which consists of 1,441 lines of Vedic mantras, having all the essence of Vedas.
Home preparations by you
Pede or Barfi pieces, candle stand, oil lamp, ghee lamp, camphor tablet, 6 mats, 3 steel plates, 8 bowls, 3 spoons, 1 cooking pot. Copper vessels 2, brass vessels 3, bronze pot 1.