- Gowri Ganesh Puja
- Kalash & Navagraha puja
- Rudrabhishek and Laghu Rudra Path
- Archana
- Aarti & Prasad Distribution
Puja Saamagri Included
Turmeric-Kumkum, Sandalwood paste, two blouse pieces, two dhotis, two pieces of cotton cloth, a pair of bangles, one cotton wick, oil, a small container, a plate of flowers, incense sticks, matchsticks, rangoli colors, fragrance, camphor, perfume.
Vedic hymn Sri Rudram is the oldest listing of various names of Lord Shiva, Laghu Rudra is the chanting of Sri Rudram, where various attributes and aspects of Lord shiva are invoked and worshiped. Chanting and listening of Sri Rudram is considered to be of great benefit to devotees. Eleven recitations of Sri Rudram is followed by one recitation of Chamakam constitutes of Ekadasa Rudram & Eleven Ekadasha Rudram Chanting is Laghu Rudra.
Yajmaan / Home Preparation
Thirty rupees in loose change, a stand for the lamp, one kilogram of Sweets for the offering, one bowl of Panchamrit (a mixture of milk, curd, honey, ghee, and sugar), if there is a requirement for milk abhishek (ritual pouring), then four to six liters of milk. Chowrang/Paat, 2 copper pots, 1 plate for rituals, 6 betel leaves, 1 cloth for covering, 7-8 seating mats, 4 steel plates, 1 Puja bell, 6 water pots, 2 spoons, & 1 abhishek vessel.